As you know, cinema is more than a hundred years old. During this time, this genre of art has become an integral part of people s lives. Cinema is changing and improving - this statement is relevant n

音樂制作, 廣告/電影/微電影/話劇/音樂劇 配樂, 婚禮主題曲, 後期音樂製作, 遊戲音樂

Miracle Digital is a Hong Kong base Digital transformation and Digital Marketing agency. We help our clients improve digital services to make them simple, clear and fast.

PTE Academic 英文速成補習 1️⃣ 導師成績: PTE 90 分 (滿分, 如圖), IELTS 8.5 2️⃣ 導師背景: 澳洲碩士生, 居澳 10 年, 能有效協助學生拿取 79+ 分數 3️⃣ 課堂內容: 1:1 考試策略與實戰, 港式英語改善, 免費包括 notes/past paper 4️⃣ 課堂費用: 首堂半價 (刊登價), 每堂 1 小時. 課堂亦可於 Zoom 進行

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荃灣多用途場地出租 - 適合教會活動、分享會 、休閒聚會 、生日派對、Party、Play Group及會議室

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